Lenka L. Lukačovičová
Slovak Republic
mail: lenka.lukacovic@gmail.com
mobile: +421/905 816 486
current – freelance artist & head of the studio – Protoatelier at Academy of Fine Arts&Design in bratislava VSVU/AFAD
2014 – 2018 ArtD. degree, Academy of Fine Art and Design, study programme: fine arts
thesis RE:action / RE:(per)formance / RE:creation / RE:activation
„RE:akcia / RE:(per)formancia / RE:aktivácia /RE:kreácia”.
Fotografia, koncept a performancia v 70. a 80. rokoch 20. storočia.
2013 LUCA, Sint-Lukas Brussels University College of Art and Design, Brussels, Belgium, mentor Ana Torfs
2010 – 2014 Master Degree, Academy of Fine Art and Design, Departmenxqt of Photography and New Media
2007 – 2012 Cultural Studies, Master Degree, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts, awarded as the best student of the Department for cultural studies
2009 Academy of Fine Arts, New Media Department, Zagreb, Croatia
2006 – 2007 Prague School of Photography
Awards / Grants /Residencies
2022 – The Novum Foundation, laureate https://www.nadacianovum.sk/rocniky/grant-za-rok-2022
2021 – 3. prize, Different Worlds, 2021, PHOTON Gallery
2021-2022 Visual Arts Scholarship, Slovak Arts Council, fpu.sk Slovakia
2020 Visual Arts Scholarship, Nadácia mesta Bratislava, Slovakia
2018 -2019 Visual Arts Scholarship, Slovak Arts Council, fpu.sk Slovakia
2017 3-month working grant from fpu.sk for residency pilotenkueche.net
2016 3-month stipendium from www.fvu.sk
2015 Poznan Photo Diploma Award 2015, finalist, Poznan, Poland
2014 Politics, Photography and Dailiness, 2nd prize, Bratislava, Instutute for Modern Slovakia
2013 FOTO ROKA/PHOTO of the YEAR, finalist, Bratislava, Slovakia
2013 Individual grant from saia.sk for a study in Belgium
2012 Book as phenomenum, special award 2012, Brno, Czech Republic,
2011 Fotosiločiary – 3rd prize – photography Home II, Bratislava, Slovakia
Antropos/Topos, w. Michal Huba, Jan Mudroch’s Gallery of Zahorie, Senica
SNAP&GO, spol. Viktor Šelesták, New Platform Gallery / DK Zrkadlový háj, Bratislava
(non)decisive moments, The Gallery of A. Bazovský, Trenčín, Slovakia
(non)decisive moments, Gallery FIDUCIA, Ostrava, Czech. rep.
Common Sense, Galerie XY, Olomouc, Czech rep.
ARTA Piešťany, vitrínky, Pozor(o)vanie(o) akto(u)mením, curator Tomáš Werner
Galerie XY Common Sense & Krehkosť bytia Vitrína Deniska, Olomouc, Czech Republic, curator Monika Beková
EQO Biblia. Disney. Porno. Máš to za jedno. / Bible. Disney. Porn. You got it in one.
TIC Galerie, Brno, Czech Republic, curator Ivana Hrončeková
FAVU Galerie, Brno, Czech Republic, with Diana Cencer Garafová, curator Marianna Brinzová Galéria MEDIUM, curator Zora Rusinová, link >click<
“Situations which were if they occurred as Yesterday”, Kunstraum PING•PONG,curator Marcel Noack, Leipzig, Germany
2016 – 2017 Red Book, Nitra Gallery, curator Simona Bérešová, Slovakia
2016 Grey Book, Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, Synagogue – Center of Contemporary Art, curator Simona Bérešová, Slovakia
“RE:akce” /RE:action, curator Barbora Ciprová, Galerie Cyril, Prostějov, Czech Republic
“RE:exposition”, Slovak Institute, Moscow, Russia
“Šedá kniha”/Grey Book, curator Simona Bérešová, OFF Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia
Quo vadis, curator Simona Bérešová, Slovak Institute, Warsaw, Poland “Šedá kniha”/Grey Book, miniART Gallery, Bratislava 2014 RE:Photography, see on amt_project, curator Luboš Lehocký, Bratislava, Slovakia
Selected Group
FUTURE NOW, Bonfire AIR@SET space London, https://www.artrabbit.com/events/future-now-set-united-kingdom
OFF GRID – INDEPENDENT FOTO FESTIVAL WIEN 2021 08.-12.09.2021 More: https://www.derstandard.de/story/2000129445580/foto-festival-off-grid-in-wien-kreta-speeddating-und-fortuna
Festival DOM, Wild Fruit, 3. 9. – 18. 9. 2021, Pisztoryho Palace, Bratislava https://festivaldom.com/dom-2021-wild-fruit/
Dokument 2020, GMAB, Trenčín, Slovakia
Smoke&Mirrors, Gallery Medium, The Department of Photography and New Media,AFAD Bratislava, Slovakia
What did you expect?, Pilotenkueche, Leipzig, Germany “Salon Similde Therapeutics”, POP-UP Show, Salon Similde/KULTURNY DOM LIPSK, Leipzig, with Artists / Ali Glover, Hwi Hahm, Morgan Buck, Romain Tallet & Zishi Han/ Ex/position, curator M. Brinzová, Industra Art, Brno, Czech Republic
Subtílnosti, DOT Contemporary Art Gallery, curator Ľuboš Lehocký, Bratislava, Slovakia
Das beste was wir zu Hause haben, Slovak Institute, Berlin, European Month of Photography, Germany
Department of Photography and New Media AFAD in Bratislava 2011 – 2016, Galerie 4, Cheb, Czech Republic
Poznan Photo Diploma Award, Maison de la Photographie, Lilles, France
Paratissima Skopje, Macedonia
OFF Festival Bratislava, Slovakia
ROZMANITOSŤ NUTNÁ/ VŠVU Model, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
KAUNAS PHOTO festival projection, Kaunas, Lithuania
The FWD festival, LUCA, Brussels, Belgium
Povazska galeria umenia, KE-BA-BB 13 curated by Mira Sikorová, Roman Popelár, Žilina, Slovakia
Východoslovenská galéria, A YOUTHFUL MEDIUM III.,Košice, Slovakia
Photogallery Zlín, Azbestové prázdniny, Czech Republik
exchange students of Fine Art Academy in Zagreb, cycle Intimity and Locality Hygiene with video performance
Festivals, Symposiums
A part of Festival DOM, »YOU ARE HERE«, curated by Marianna Brinzová&Martina Ivičič Bratislava https://festivaldom.com/umelci-4/
Hala Symposium 2016 http://www.halasympozium.sk/
Publications, critics
FOOTNOTES on art http://footnotesonart.com/more.php?id=76&year=2018 BLOK Magazine http://blokmagazine.com/situations-as-though-they-took-place-yesterday-by-lenka-l-lukacovicova-at-galerie-tic/
EMoP, European Month of Photography catalogue, Berlin page 76. FOTONOVINY Nr.39/17, p. 6, Online http://www.sedf.sk/images/stories/Files/PDF/Fotonoviny/fotonoviny39.pdf
Festival DOM catalogue ONLINE https://festivaldom.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/katalog_final.pdf
.tyzden http://www.tyzden.sk/kultura/35671/vazenkyne-a-sliapanie-po-hlavach/
Subtílnosti v DOT Gallery http://artalk.cz/2016/04/04/ts-subtilnosti/
Photorevue about my project “Šedá kniha” http://www.photorevue.com/phprs/view.php?nazevclanku=offfestival-bratislava-2015&cisloclanku=2016010003
EJMAP, European Journal Of Media, Art & Photography nr. 2/2014 pdf ONLINE https://ejmap.sk/wp-content/uploads/Lenka-Lukacovicova_Re-Photography.pdf SME.sk In http://kultura.sme.sk/c/7182277/hole-steny-tupe-svetlo-hlad-po-zmysle-ked-su-galerie-prazdne.html
presentation see on casopis FOTO The Word Magazine / online http://thewordmagazine.com/culture/belgiums-photography-graduates-lenka-lukacovicova/
Inspire Magazine, No 67, jar. 2013, In: Ďakujeme GALLERIA CVERNOVKA Príbeh jedného magického Priestoru, p. 14 (architecture)
Organizationall, pedagogic and creative activities
From 2019 assistant teacher on Academy of Fine Arts and Design
2017 lecturer, TIC Galerie, lecturer, workshop for B&W Photography
2013-2016 lecturer for Photoacademy
2015 Nočné laboratórium, Nitrianska galéria, Nitra, lecturer, coop with Marko Horban
2014 SNACKS, CC Centrum, Bratislava, photo exhibition – Atelier Laboratory of Photography ALF, exhibition concept together with Ľuboš Lehocký
2012 Identity, East Slovak Museum, Košice, lecturer Dita Pepe, Peter Kalmus Magic Country,Banska Stiavnica, lecturer Jan Pohribný
2011 Art and Culture Exchange, Ishoj Ungdomsskolen, Copenhagen, Denmark Documentary workshop, Lom nad Rimavicou, Slovakia, lecturer Jindrich Streit
2011 Workshop BAUHAUS, Design Factory Bratislava, lecturer Gordon Watkinson
2007 Summer School of Photography, Liptovsky Mikulas, Document, lecturer Paivi Eronen
2005 Summer School of Photography, Poprad, Town Architecture, lecturer John Darwell
2004 Summer School of Photography, Poprad, lecturer Robert Kočan